The young japanese couple asked me to take a picture of them, which I did. Then he asked me if I wanted him to reciprocate. I said "yes", turned my back to Auckland and he took the shot. This happened in Rangitoto Island, twenty minutes away from the city by ferry. I was on a viewing platform dominating the bay of Auckland and just meters from the rim of the local extinct volcano, after climbing the 260 meters high from the ferry, part on desolated black lava terrain, part on forest which has developed since the eruptions finished.
Turning the back to the city was merely for pictorial pourposes: I enjyed Auckland so much and walked a lot in its central area. It is not every day, even even year, that one has the chance to visit in-town craters of volcanos, like Mount Eden, where a rather unnusual view awaits the visitor. From there you can see two different seas: a bay belonging to the Pacific Ocean to the east and a bay which is part of the Tasmanian Sea to the west. Another more human feature: people on the streets seem enjoying life in a very much relaxed manner. New Zealand style, I suppose.
I would not matter to visit it again - but without the stresses of an european visitor short of time for so much to see.
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