I went twice to Pakistan in official missions as staff representative of the EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament. The second time the pourpose of the visit was to have bilateral political discussions with the Pakistani Parliament. On the last day of the mission one of the meetings was cancelled and I suggested that, on condition of giving up the lunch break, the European Members and officials could visit the Taxila World Heritage site, some 30 kilometers west of Islamabad, on the way to Peshawar. Our hosts promptly endorsed the idea and some half an hour later the bus was on the road - and my camera in the hotel.
Well, I had not studied much about the site, except that it was archeological and not that far from the capital. Too little I knew! Taxila is indeed a composite site of several ruins which spread along many kilometers: different civilisations succeeded one another in the area, but not exactly by superposing their locations. In short there are ruins of three cities in three different time periods, plus stupas and monasteries.
On arrival the european team was greeted by the Museum Director, a very knowledgable lady who guided us on a long and comprehensive tour of the fantastic riches of the house, namely the Gandara ones. Gandara art, the specialists say, is a "cultural syncretism between the classical greek cukture and Buddhism", originated through the presence in the region of the Alexander the Great armies. It was emotionally and intelectually very rewarding to see so many greek-like stone marvels with oriental motives. After the museum tour there was no more time for field visits, except an en-route quick glimpse of the Bhir Mound - because it can be seen from the road.
The attached picture, from the Pakistani Parliament photographer, shows our team with the Museum Director. One of the Members is Mr. Jacques Santer, who has been Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the European Commission.
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