terça-feira, 8 de setembro de 2009


In a few days I will have a stopover in Atlanta, on my way to Panama. It has already happened to me, with the difference that in 2007 it was a night stopover both ways, which allowed me to see downtown Atlanta twice. I was not really impressed by the city. If I compare with all other Olympic Games cities I know, it is by far the one I felt less enthusiasm with.
The airport is very big and, I suspect, was the first world-wide to have an internal underground train system to link the various terminals.
A little bit out of the centre is the atraction which caught my eye and my mind: the houses and monuments linked with Martin Luther King, in Auburn Street, which was, long before the Civil Rights Movements developed, a district for the wealthier segment of the black community. MLK was born, leaved and preached there. It is now classified as a National Historic Site and includes the family's home, the Ebenezer Baptist Church, a visitor center and gardens, a Community Center, the King Center with an exihbition and, more rewarding for my feelings, the MLK' Tomb in a beutiful open public space.
If passing through Atlanta this is the feature you ought not to miss!

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